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  • Writer's picturewellnesswhannah

Herbs for PCOS

in PCOS many of the symptoms are related to excess androgens (male sex hormones)

studies have shown the consumption of spearmint tea can reduce the negative effects of excess androgens in people with PCOS. symptoms include- excess hair growth, acne, and male pattern baldness.

tea pot

Some of my favourite herbs


drink spearmint tea (1-3 cups a day) for PCOS recent studies suggest spearmint has significant anti-androgen effects on women with PCOS, especially those suffering from excess hair growth. spearmint has been shown to reduce total and free testosterone and increase luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone to increase menstrual regularity.

🌿licorice and dong quai

both herbs contain compounds that exhibit estrogenic activity. licorice has also been shown to possibly reduce free testosterone.

🌿chaste berry

Previous studies have shown chaste berry has the ability to normalize menstrual cycles and increase fertility.

🌿Red Raspberry leaf

One of my favourite PMS relievers/ aids is red raspberry leaf tea, known for its ability to aid in labour and delivery in pregnancy, but is also an incredibly reliable PMS reliever.

red raspberry leaf is an anti-spasmodic herb, which means it has the ability to calm and alleviate spasms (or cramps!!) of the uterus, making it an amazing herb to add to you PMS care kit! drink red raspberry leaf tea 2-3 times a day during/ leading up to menstruation



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