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PCOS nutritionist Ottawa



I focus on so much more than nutrition in my practice, from stress management to movement, because I believe in finding alignment in the whole being- mind, body and soul. I am incredibly grateful to merge the interconnected world of well-being with my passion for helping and healing others. I have been the person, uncomfortable and unhappy in my skin, seeking support, so I want you to know I feel your struggle and I am here to be your biggest supporter & wellness cheerleader throughout this transformative journey. 

Hi! I'm Hannah


My journey into holistic health and wellness began in high school. I was struggling with a heavily restrictive eating disorder (orthorexia)  coupled with an exercise addiction, which led me to become underweight and lose my period for a little over a year. In addition to under-nourishing and over-exercising I was chronically over-stressed and cyclically going on/ off the birth control pill. By the end of my 3 year struggle with birth control, stress & food fear I was nearing high school graduation, burnt out and struggling with cortisol belly, hormonal acne, gut imbalances, poor digestion & overall a very unhealthy, unhappy body.

My own struggles led me to the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN) right out of high school, where I completed my studies and became a Holistic Nutritionist. While enrolled and completing my courses at IHN I found my love for gut health, digestive healing and hormonal bliss. My love for PCOS comes from not my own struggle,  but that of one of my dearest friends. She had asked me to help her manage PCOS symptoms, so I researched and put together a healing protocol for her. Ever since I finalized that protocol I have been hooked on all things fertility, PCOS, PMS and hormones. I want to help and empower women to feel secure & happy in their bodies through happy hormones, optimized digestion and a nourished gut. I want women struggling with acne, PMS, PCOS and imbalances to feel one with their bodies and aligned with themselves. 


Institute of Holistic Nutrition, CNP

Acne nutritionist Ottawa
  • What insurance companies cover nutritionists?
    Some insurance companies that cover nutritionists may include: BlueCross, Canada Life, Co-operators, Desjardins, Great-West, Green Shield Canada, Industrial Alliance, Manulife, OTIP, Sun Life and more. It is important to get clear on what your unique insurance policy covers. You can send the following questions to your insurance provider to determine what is or is not covered by your insurance: 1. Do I have annual coverage for a Holistic nutritionist? 2. What is my annual coverage (dollar amount)? 3. When does my plan reset or rollover? 4. Do you cover 100% of my sessions with a nutritionist or dietitian? 5. What information do you require from my holistic nutritionist?
  • What pricing plans are available?
    For Hormone Harmony we have 3 available payment/ pricing options: Option one: Pay in full $1,400 CAD Option two: Pay $785 now, pay $685 in 4 weeks Option three: Pay $580 now, pay $480 in 4 weeks, pay $480 in 8 weeks The first payment is $100 higher than the rest due to the cost of functional testing, as the testing must happen at the start of our working together. All prices include taxes There is no pricing plan for Holistic Reset or Functional Testing only
  • What is a holistic Nutritionist?
    A Holistic Nutritionist is a wellness practitioner who specializes in disease prevention, treatment and wellbeing through a holistic lens. Holistic Nutritionists create individualized protocol for clients to support their unique goals and bio individuality. We take into consideration diet, lifestyle, stress, toxin overload, detoxification, mindset, rest, sleep and a plethora of other factors to create a full-spectrum healing protocol that addresses the ROOT CAUSE, because we believe it is best to treat the whole human- not just the set of presenting symptoms.
  • What do imbalanced hormones look and feel like?
    Hormonal imbalances can present in a variety of ways and symptoms. The most common signs of a hormone imbalance in women includes: Menstrual irregularities: Irregular periods, heavy or light bleeding, missed periods Mood swings: Irritability, anxiety, depression Fatigue: Low energy levels, lethargy Weight changes: Weight gain, difficulty losing weight Skin issues: Acne outbreaks, oily or dry skin Hair changes: Thinning hair, excessive hair growth (hirsutism) Sleep disturbances: Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently Digestive issues: Bloating, constipation, diarrhea Libido changes: Low libido, changes in sexual arousal
  • What does an unhappy gut look and feel like?
    Similarly to hormone imbalances, an unhappy gut can present with a plethora of symptoms. Some of the most common indicators of an unhealthy gut include: Digestive issues: Bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea Food intolerances or sensitivities Fatigue or low energy levels Skin problems: Acne, eczema, rosacea Mood disturbances: Anxiety, depression, irritability Autoimmune conditions Nutritional deficiencies Weakened immune system: Frequent illness or infections Brain fog or difficulty concentrating


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